I Believe the Most Important Beauty Is the Heart and Soul

I started a blog for several years and I cleared out of modesty. Writing is my channel to express what I think secretly since a teenager, I started diaries. It give a voice to my doubts, my anger, my sadness, my joy … I kept all my notes, my email as a record of those conversations with God. I‘m keeping the archives of autobiographical heritage site that receives my letters filled with these booksa Cédricia, loving life. Today I walked

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Silence in July

“We’re not human beings sharing a spiritual experience… We are spiritual beings sharing a human experience.” It is best not to talk unless you have to say this is more beautiful than silence. Viva Energy QI that connects us in this dimension, where the words no longer serve anything, just to deceive the other, intuition and feeling are our communication tools for real! In July 2009, I met Christopher Titmuss again that really touched me in his dialogues Buddhafield, I admire his

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Meditation, Prayers et Spirituality

“Explanations are a waste of time“. Krishnamurti This summer 2009 is the opportunity to be in nature in connection with my heart and my brothers & sisters, and these“human” being who create the new culture being truly independent of money to meet their needs vital, sometimes living abroad in the maquis, resistance fighters from the shadows, the “warriors of light”, everyday heroes, defenders of living Nature …. This year 2008-2009, I felt the consequences of the harmful effects of urban

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Cherries in May: ” C’Mai s’ aime, sème, essème!”

Pictured are fruit tree gardens in a Céret village in the Pyrennee Mountains. I have gratitude for these trees which Picasso, Bragues, and other artists love to paint. Cherry Juice Reduces Pain and Inflammation Cherries make a mean pie, but a pain reliever? In recent years, cherries have been discovered to contain potent natural anti-inflammatory compounds called anthocyanins and other flavonoids that work on the same inflammation pathways as aspirin and NSAIDs to reduce pain. In fact, researchers from Michigan

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