Thank you God

Back to life, After The Full moon, things have changed! Thank you for friends messages and emails received from my blog, emails, posts, comments. Thank you to be alive through reliefs. Thank you for dances but music Thank you for dogs and cats who are sleeping on my legs Thank you my High  Power for aboundance in Nature Thank you for animals around me! Thank you for warm house! Thank you for meeting new brothers and sisters around the world,

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Happy New Year 2012

The year’s end is neither an end nor a beginning but on-going, with all the wisdom that experience can instill in us. First day of 2012,  I send you all my best wishes for a alive and vibrant Year!  Give and receive a lot of loves!

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My birthday along the Ocean, alone, in a fresh wind!

Thank you for this message in this day of  my birthday! “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented and fabulous? Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small doesn’t serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking so

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It’s good to swim in the sea! It was my first walking one the beach (4 hours go and return), my foot on the sand, the wind and the water… I’m so happy to have the willingness to return to the beach. Last year, during my juice fast, I was brave to walk alone among men who were nude and had inappropriate behaviors with me ( sexually I mean). I was scare because my only answer was to walk faster

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Minerve and Haut Languedoc Forest

Simple life I’m aware about the pollution, we are ignorant about the consequences about our simple acts: use computer (as I do), phone calls, driving cars, go to supermarket and buy plastic products. Our life is outdoor and we need to be autonomous for our food, house and life. This a big step to avoid all of kind of industries even if organic! I’m not Ok with Raw people who do green business, and be alternative and raw consumers, but

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Tomorrow, we plant fruit trees!

We plant fruit trees in Montpellier the 31th of March 2010, I can’t wait for it! I realize a dream for our community! We are planting fruit trees in Montpellier on the 31th of March 2010 I can’t wait for it! A dream come true for our community! Thank you for Christopher TItmuss and the power of love and prayers to help me to realise this project here! Love and peace Here Interview and pictures!

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Happy Spring time!

It’s running today but I jnow it’s good for gardening! Love is love, we can trust our feeling. I believe in a Higher Power who guides our destiny,  we are  perfect and pure spirit with a heart to love each other.  We are on earth to give and receive love, and nothing can stop it, it’s Nature force. I live with this force and I love each human being !

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