Article Fruits Oubliés!

Voici le fruit de 4 ans année de travail enfin le verger va s’essemer chez les pomologues! Première plantations de salades, semis de radis, basilic, le printemps dans le jardin. Le cerisier planté est plein de bouquets de mai, voilà le soleil qui chauffe, vive la nature!

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Today my birthday and full moon

I’m alone, I’m feeling very tired, sad, a lots of pain  come out, I let me cry after days of “being a strong girl”, I’m not, I’m weak, and sensitive more than normal. I just observe who are near me today: no human being, just the invisible!,comment-rencontrer-l-amour-de-sa-vie,2510840,1832644.asp It’s raining, it’s pouring, but sun is here behind the clouds, courage is not enough, I need hugs from human beings! I sent so much emails, letters, I made phones calls to

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What I dream

I  like when people treat others with unconditionnal love even if it’s virtual. I doesn’t matter about the food,  I know some  raw food people who are really selfish especially my last contacts with American. I don’t want to live in USA, because I don’t like the American system and I’m not American citizen, I’m an European woman and I love to be in countries where I can move freely without be stressed by a visa or green card formalities.

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English Life of Ced last past years

Summary of my drama I lost my mother the day of “happiness”, May 1st 2010. I can remember the sadness… I felt devastated. For the first time my life became a nighmare. I realized how dear my mum was to me! She was an angel with others angels in the sky or sea, she fought very hard against breast cancer, she healed twice because of living food and this convinced me of the power of raw foods and juice fasts.

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